"The fire within, will always drown out the flames around us."

The Bloodied Apostate

Mini Facts!:

Graduated with 2:1 in Film and Television Production. - 2017

Longest time commitment on a project - 8 years+

Avid Dungeons and Dragons Player and Video game nerd.

Mental Health Advocate.

Experienced with S.E.N - ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, and all 4 categories of Abuse.

Part of the LGBTQIA+ Community (Bisexual)

Belief System: Norse Pagan

Favourite Flower: Roses ... of course.

Who is Renara Hawke?

Very good question! Im still exploring that to this day!

But as of right now, I’d say she is an energetic and vibrant young woman with a fiery streak.
With over 8+ years of Voice acting/Audio production Experience and a background in performing arts and film production, I have a keen insight into the process in front of and behind the mic/camera.

Starting my voice acting journey in 2016 I joined the hugely ambitious Morrowind Mod - Skywind.  From there my journey has grown and expanded into many different areas, voicing in the hotly antisipate game Fallout: London, Partisipating annually at Creation Mod Con, and froming my own production company at Rose Grove Studios, producing both original Audio Dramas.


My Ethos:

The world needs stories.
The world needs people to believe in, to see themselves in. Heros, Villains and all the shades in between.

People need Stories.
Stories that inspire, clarify, show empathy, change your perspective and perhaps even empower one’s sense of self. I intend to make that happen through my work. Be it a character I voice or a production I make, that is my goal.
I want to bring stories to life!
Ones that inspire the next generation to dream, take action and continue to inspire the next generation and the next! Everyone has the capability to make something great, they just need that spark, that idea, that moment, and of course a little bit of help.

If I can supply that moment through my work.
I will have done my job.

Compassion. Belief. Resilience.