Media Type: Video Game
Role(s): Dunmer Female, Imperial Female, Argonian Female, Ash Zombies and Corprus Stalkers.
Line count: 3500+ lines (Not including retakes)
Time Commited: 8+ Years (Part time)
Status: In Production
Skywind is one of the largest community-led modding projects in the world to date, and I am incredibly proud to say I was one of the first voice actors to be onboarded back in 2016, when the project was still in its infancy.
Since then, I have contributed my voice to Skywind on a part-time basis over several years, providing a range of performances as the project has grown and evolved. Throughout this journey, I have remained an active and dedicated member of the Skywind community. In addition to my voice work, I’ve had the opportunity to mentor newer voice actors in the Skywind Discord server, sharing my knowledge and techniques for voicing female Dunmer and creating richly textured characters.
Being part of this remarkable project has not only been a deeply rewarding experience but also a chance to collaborate with an incredibly talented and passionate group of individuals, all united by our love for the Elder Scrolls and Morrowind. I am proud to have contributed to such a monumental project and to continue supporting Skywind as it progresses toward its eventual release.
The journey has been long, but every moment has been worth it.
Dunmer Females – Darvame Hleran, Dilvene Venim, Dinara Othrelas, Feldrelo Sadri, Galero Andaram, Malven Romori, Morusu Varen, Nevena Ules, Tonas Telvani, Tuveso Beleth, Vedelea Othril, Folsi Thendas.
(Jan 2016 to Sep 2021)
Dunmer Females – Townfolk + Bandits
(Sep 2021 to May 2023)
Imperial Females – Nebia Amphia, Clilias Pullia, Imperial Guards
(March 2023 – Oct 2024)
Agronian Females – Ki-Beeko, Townsfolk an Bandits
(March 2023 – Present)
– Female Ash Zombies (May 2023/- Jul 2023)
– Corprus Stlakers (July 2024)
You have the option to recruit any of these NPCs (excluding creatures) as followers in-game,
as I have recorded additional dialogue to support this feature.
You can hear some of my work with them linked below.
Through my work with them, I have had the honor of representing the project’s voice actors at Creation Mod Con, a convention dedicated to large-scale Bethesda mods, as well as at Voicapalooza, an event hosted by Wes Johnson in May 2023.
Time Stamp: (0:33) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Time stamp: (1:30)
Vocal Samples
(All Audio is RAW, before Mixing and Mastering)
Dunmer Female + Townsfolk and Bandits – (2016 – 202)
Imperial Females – (2022 – 2024)
Argonian Females – (2023 – Present)
Ash Zombie Females – (2023)
Corprus Stalkers Females – (2024)
(SFX added)