"The fire within, will always drown out the flames around us."

The Bloodied Apostate

Tales of Annualia

Media Type: Webcomic
Role(s): Madame Malizia
Line count: TBA
Time Commited: TBA
Status: Paused

(IMDB Accredited)

Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls, it is my honour to present to you, Plato! – Madame Malizia

Tales of Annualia is an indie webcomic/YouTube series created by Jordan Scarzfava and Steven Reatherford.
The story takes place in a fictional world where each region has its own everlasting season. One day, a young mime named Mimi Mimica travels to Annualia and meets many magical creaters, including those who soon become her new friends, Sorin and Duff. They guide her through the enchanted world as they encounter many humans and creatures both friendly and hostile.

I was lucky enough be asked to voice one particularly hostile entity, Madame Malizia!
Ring leader of a travailing band of circus carnies called ‘The Merry Andrews”, with wip in hand she will wip them into to shape wether its the last things she does.

She adores the spotlight and all the attention being a ring leader brings with it, but she cares little for her performers, only for what their talents will bring in, money, attention, fame.

She made her debut in the episode titled “Takeing a Joke” as part of the sister series called Perennial Fables. Which you can check out at the link below:

For more infomation on Tales of Annualia you can follow them the links below: